Saturday, February 10, 2007

Humanity's Possible Future: Transhumanists Speak

~C4Chaos has been blogging a bit of late on the transhumanist movement (in honor of Transhumanist Week), so I figured I'd offer up this BBC Horizon video I found at

Here is the text that was posted with the video:

Meet the scientific prophets who claim we are on the verge of creating a new type of human - a human v2.0.

It’s predicted that by 2029 computer intelligence will equal the power of the human brain. Some believe this will revolutionize humanity - we will be able to download our minds to computers extending our lives indefinitely. Others fear this will lead to oblivion by giving rise to destructive ultra intelligent machines.

One thing they all agree on is that the coming of this moment - and whatever it brings - is inevitable.

And here is the video (which may not be new to those who follow this subject area):

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